Sunday, 7 August 2011


Hey everyone, just managed to get back from a combined adventure of sisters wedding and then a snowboarding trip which is why I've been pretty much as silent as a ghost for the past week and a bit.

I'm somewhat hesitant in introducing myself through blogspot as I find that I tend to write out a four paragraph introduction only to delete it after staring at it for 20 seconds, so I guess I'll go with my usual introduction on these blogs.

My name is Owen Godfrey, I'm an ex Computer Science student who majored in game design where I quit uni after realising that I didn't want to be stuck behind a desk doing whatever some guy in a suit told me to do for the rest of my life. My solution to this was to go work in a bank behind a desk for two years before realising I completely screwed that up and thought that I should probably go back to uni and at least get a degree, even if it was a useless piece of paper after graduation. Deciding on the bachelor of Arts as the most useless degree I enrolled in a major that was immediately cancelled after its creation, leaving me with a lot of free time to pick up interesting subjects. My academic interests are based mostly around IT, gaming and electronic cultures.

Outside of my academic life I'm generally laid back in what I do, which is one of the requirements for the hobby that has fulfilled the majority of my time - gaming. As you probably got from the upper paragraphs I'm fairly into gaming, where if I'm not playing games then I'm meeting with friends in a small indie group trying to create something. To keep this thing as short as possible without going into my gaming history - both my parents are gamers from the days of pen and pencil gaming (d&d for example) and they kind of just passed the interest on to me. I'm pretty sure I was raised with a controller or joystick of some form in my hands and its lead me to where I am today.

So again - Sorry for the huge delay in presenting this introductory blog and I look forward to seeing you all in class.

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